Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday Thoughts - The Heart of the Matter

I've just been thinkin' that unless I have a right heart, I'll operate superficially in regards to living simply or having much, regardless of whichever of the two is my natural bent or situation. Even frugality can be a matter of pride. Anything outward, be it objectively speaking "good" or "bad," will be in congruence with the inward reality of my heart. What I have or don't have, and in a large way what I do or don't do are ultimately only outward things. The inward reality is infinitely more important, and yes it influences the outward, but it is possible for the outward to appear a certain way (even to self), yet the inward-our heart and heart motivations be quite the contrary. Ultimately it doesn't matter how much I have or don't have, but rather who I am.

In other words, are my heart and mind set on outward things, whether it be obtaining them or not obtaining them? Is my mind busy with many things while I neglect the one thing needful?

Ps. 139:23&24 " Search me Oh God and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting."

1 comment:

  1. good girl :) these are things worth pondering... for all of us :)

    amy in peru


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