Friday, August 27, 2010

Moby Wrap at the Beach and Giveaway Coming!

I just had to share another beach picture! We really enjoyed using the Moby Wrap for walking on the beach!! I will be hosting a GIVEAWAY of an Organic Moby Wrap from CSN Stores starting September 8, 2010. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words {Frugal Friday}

We finally got our clothesline up! I already have a hard time getting everything done that I plan to, so we're not going to be "all or nothing" about this! As much as possible, I'm going to hang clothes out on the line, especially things that take the longest to dry, like towels. We'll see how it goes. Every little bit counts right? Right now I'm also looking at it as something to get me out of the house when I'm tempted to stay inside and "get things done!" And when we don't have time to hang...wool dryer balls to the rescue!! Stay tuned for a review and giveaway of some wool dryer balls during The Wool Gathering Event...oh and you fluff addicts...look close, some of that fluffy goodness are things that I'm reviewing for giveaways as well....stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Not So Wordless Wednesday: Cloth at the Beach

The BumGenius 3.0 turned out to be perfect for the beach. We left the insert in the diaper while playing on the beach and when we weren't planning to immerse her in the water. When it came time to get in, we just slipped the insert out and tightened it back up...perfect for the single purpose of swim diapers ;).